- This GSI build is intended for users to try LeafOS out and not recommended as a daily driver
- DO NOT report device specific issues
- Based on QPR3 and July ASB (android-13.0.0_r63)
- Added option to switch QS panel styles (Now you can switch back to default android QS)
- Added settings to configure QS column count
- Added delete action to the screenshot chip
- Enabled charger plug-in statusbar chip
- Enabled shimmering waves effect on QS media player
- Enabled haptics on lockscreen shortcuts
- Transparent recents overview
- Fixed crash in hotspot toggle in QS internet dialog when the device is connected
- Added date, battery and clock click actions on QS header
- Fixed local contacts getting deleted on contacts application
- Fixed crash when taking a screenshot in work profile
- Based on QPR2 and May ASB (android-13.0.0_r44)
- Added option to disable fingerprint lockout (Settings->Security)
- Added AdBlocker (Settings->Privacy)
- Added setting to customize status bar icons (Settings->Display->Status bar)
- Moved Network traffic indicator and 4G icon setting to Display->Status bar
- Added custom brightness slider styles (Settings->Display->Quick Settings)
- Enabled lockscreen shortcuts (Wallpaper and styles)
- Fixed issues with Safetynet
- Added uninstall button system shortcuts on the launcher
- Added Private DNS presets (Settings->Network and internet->Private DNS)
- Fixed caller name size on in-call UI screen
- Added support to sync google account on etar
- Enabled gesture typing on AOSP keyboard
- Enabled game dashboard (GMS build)
- Your support will keep our servers running and allow us to continue providing updates, please consider making a donation to cover our server expenses.
- https://ko-fi.com/leafos
- We are using self hosted Weblate as our translation system. Your contribution is much appreciated!
- DO NOT Report bugs if you're running a custom kernel or you installed Xposed
- DO NOT Report bugs if you're using TWRP
- DO NOT Report bugs while having Magisk installed (especially with Zygisk enabled)
- Grab a logcat right after the problem has occurred. (Please include at least a few pages of the log, not just the last few lines, unless you know what you're doing.)
- If it is a random reboot, grab /proc/last_kmsg. (Do not bother getting a logcat unless you can get it just before the reboot. A logcat after a reboot is useless)
- If the problem disappears after running "setenforce 0" from a root shell, grab /data/misc/audit/audit.log
Remember to provide as much info as possible. The more info you provide, the more likely that the bug will be solved. Please also do not report known issues. Any bug not reported in the bug report format below may be ignored.
What is your--
LeafOS version:
LeafOS Download url:
Did you--
restore with titanium backup:
reboot after having the issue:
Are you using--
a task killer:
a non-stock kernel:
other modifications:
Provide any additional information (observations/frequency of problem/last version it worked on/etc) as needed: